Financial Philosophy

Aura Wealth Management’s financial planning philosophy borrows from Warren Buffett’s 4 Key Factors to Wealth Creation:

  1. Manage Risk – Don’t build an ice castle in the sun or a skyscraper on quicksand.
  2. Own the Bricks – Property ownership is good, not because it’s always the best investment but because you can take the bricks to the bank.
  3. Own Shares – Buy good companies; own castles with thick walls, limited access, deep moats & warriors inside willing to shed blood for the owner -- you.
  4. Invest in Self – Investing in your business/profession/career creates your own mutual fund, pension and shares.

We never allow our clients to forget that in order to achieve rule number four, it comes back to rule number one; if you haven’t Managed Risk, you can’t Invest in Self. The fundamentals of Financial Planning are based on risk management.

From these Four Rules evolves one core question: What’s The Problem? Aura’s mission is to ask, discover and solve client problems relating to their financial situation. From this point, all other financial questions are explored for our clients, and solutions are discovered.